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Sunday, May 8, 2016

qustion and ansowr in std and hiv

qustion and ansowr in std and hiv

people ask Can you get an STD from a happy ending
The person giving you the hand job would have to have an std, touch their genitals then directly touch yours, in order to have any chance of that happening.

people think they may have an std. mary an 18 year old girl. she only been sexually active for a few months now, and she had unprotected sex with 2 different guys. The second guy, she hooked up with at least 4 times in the past month. About a week after our last hook up, my vagina became really sore and she began having this bad smelling watery brown discharge. she also had a migraine & low fever for a couple days. All this lasted for about a week. As of right now, everything seems fine. A few days ago, she had sex with another guy. she used a condom, but she began to bleed a little, so they stopped and she gave him oral. she extremely scared and don't know who to talk to. she embarrassed and can't believe this could happen to her :( she never been the promiscuous type but after losing her virginity a few months ago she just been extra curious. she wish she never did
If you were a virgin then you could have just tore your hymen or caused a vaginal tear. Or it could be time for your period.
Most stds don't cause bleeding or migraines, but if you suspect an std then see a doctor and get a full std screening done.

other girl met this dude this morning from grindr, well after he left she started feeling tired, sore throat, abd lightheaded?? and ask Do she have a std
STD symptoms do not typically show up in an hour or so. You might have an STD, but most likely the symptoms you are feeling now are not related to any STD. More likely a virus.

Why did she dump me when she asked her if she had an STD test?
So, she was hooking up with this girl, and she asked her if she had an std test since we started having unprotected sex. So, a week later she had extreme burning, and she went to do an STD test. The Dr. told her that she suspects that she have chlamidya and gave her an antibiotic pending results. So, she had a meeting with her, and she told her nicely that that's what the dr. said, ad you should go get checked. she told her she probably got it from her because she had an std test a month ago. she even told her it's ok, it's normal, and that she not upset... So, a week later the results came negative!!! So, after she told her the results came negative, and she dumped her... She said she hurt her so much because she thought that she's dirty... How is it her fault? It's the Dr. that misdiagnosed her! she told her that, but she dumped her already.. Did she do anything wrong? she will never ask that question again..
In the early stages of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, there are no signs and people go for weeks or months and don't know they have it.
So to ask someone if they are clean is hollow and emotional.

Doctor / Nurse / Medical Professional needed. STD question. Details below.?
My fiancee just found out she has chlamydia. She and I have been together for a little more than 2 years and I swear on my life and that of my future first born that she's the only woman I've had any sexual contact with during that time. I don't think she's slept with another guy, but I can't be sure. Is there another way you can catch chlamydia other than sexual contact? Could one of us have caught it from sitting on a toilet seat that an infected person urinated on? I know chlamydia can sometimes show no symptoms, but is it weird to you she is just now getting symptoms? Should I be asking her some serious questions about how she got it considering it's just showing up now?
she already seen my doctor and given a urine sample for testing, and she been prescribed antibiotics for treatment in the mean time, so that part is covered.
Chlamydia is only spread by sexual contact.

It can be completely asymptomatic, particularly in women. If it has been asymptomatic for 2 years, then in theory it could become symptomatic if she had an illness that significantly depressed her immune system down?

If she has had it for 2 years, it is likely to have caused damaged internally. Untreated chlamydia can lead to damage to the tubes and is one of the leading causes of infertility. It can also increase risk of ectopic pregnancy in the future. If she has had it for two years and you've been having unprotected sex, it is highly highly likely she'd have passed it on to you very quickly.

Either she had it before you got together and gave it you and you've both been asymptomatic, which is a possibility, or it is a recent infection. You need to talk to her, either way.

other girl Why is my friend lying to me about giving me an STD?
they had sex a few times, and a month later she had symptoms for chlamydia, got tested, and returned positive. She was the only person she could have gotten it from. she told her to get tested, and she says she is negative and that she got it from someone else, which isn't possible because she was the first person she ever had sex with. she told her she is lying to her, but she denies it. Is it possible she got it some other way, or is she lying to herfriend in her face? Should she remain friends with someone who lies about this? It was physically, extremely painful as one of my testicles swelled to 3x the normal size. lol
Well, she need to take examination in the hospital, if the chlamydia test negative, it may be other disease, such as orchitis, prostatitis, mycoplasma etc. It's essential to make clear by seeing foctors. What's more, the pain sensation is caused by inflammation, you could try some herbal medicine to clear away inflammation, such as Duretic and Anti-inflammatory pill

oter guy say he Had protected sex with a condom with a random girl, but performed oral sex with her. What are the odds of an STD?
To make things clear I wore a condom, but when performing oral on her there was obviously no protection. What STDs could have been passed and what are the odds? If it's relevant it was very briefly.
You could still get herpes or HPV even if you use condoms because they don't protect all areas of the genitals that those infections can affect.
If the condom didn't break or fall of, your partner didn't have HPV or herpes then you'e not likely to get any thing.

other guy ask should I get tested?
So he say recently got a new girlfriend a little over a month ago. She split up with her last BF back in November and recently got a message from him saying he just found out he's HIV positive. my girlfriend is getting a test so should I get one too.
Yes if you have had sex with her get tested immediately. Ask yourself what would you rather not going to the doctors and there being a chance that you have HIV and you could die? Or going to the doctors just to stay safe? Trust me go to the doctors you might get told you do have it but the quicker your told the quicker you can treat it or the second scenario is that your a lucky bugger and you don't have it. Be safe, get tested my friend. Good luck xx


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